Trading Platform Indicators

Using powerful Trading Central technical analysis indicators, you can easily understand trading opportunities in real time, making your trading decisions more confident.

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Trading Platform Indicators

Analyst Views

The financial market research solutions combined with the valuable experience of senior analysts and automated algorithms can provide you with the direction of trends and important technical points. Trading Central is always there with a directional perspective on every chart based on our award-winning technical analysis methodology to support your investment decision.

Adaptive Candlesticks

Trading Platform indicators can scan any chart and get instant access to 16 commonly used and selected candlestick patterns. We combine candlesticks chart with unique quantitative and technical analysis to focus on relevant technical graphs that are helpful for investment decisions at the current stage.

Adaptive Divergence Convergence

ADC is useful at shorter lengths than MACD and offers more timely signals, while also guarding against sideways movements by adapting and lengthening during such periods.

- Long & Short entry/exit signals

- Slow & Fast price indicators

- Raw & Smooth signal lines

- Oscillators Slow & Fast

How to use Trading Platform indicator plugi


Register or log in to CWG user center


select "Trading Instruments" under "Download Center"


download and install the Trading Platform plugin according to the prompts


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